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blue bandages

  • Food Safety and First Aid

    What colour does not naturally occur in food. Answer: Blue.  That is why special bandages have been created for the Food Industry.  Imagine a food handler cuts their finger and puts on a beige bandage and returns to their duties.   The bandage falls into the vat of soup and goes undiscovered until you raise a spoonful and see the gastly bandage floating inches from your mouth. Yikes, food safety at it's worst.  Since blue is not naturally in food, the ideal solution is blue bandages for food handlers.  At home in your kitchen or far away in a food processing factory, the blue bandage will stand out as warning.  This food safety initiative goes a step further, and includes a metal detectable foil under the gauze portion of the bandage.  Major manufacturers often subject their product to metal detectors to be certain no parts have fallen off on the packaging line and ended up in your cereal.  The blue bandage will immediately trigger a pretested metal detector and reject the package and protect your family.  Naturally our blue bandages are latex free and an ideal way to protect food from contamination.


    Bandage - Metal DetectableBandage - Metal DetectableBandage - Metal DetectableBandage - Metal Detectable

    Ideal for food processing and pharmaceutical applications

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